Inclusion and Circular Economy training package

Inklusion und KreIslaufwirtschaft TrainingsPaket

Inclusione ed economia circolare - Pacchetto formativo

Inclusión y Economía circular - curso formative

Inklúzia a obehová ekonomika vzdelávací balíček

Включване и кръгова икономика обучителни материали

Nice Project



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Check out what participants have to say about this project!

I have almost ten years of work in the third sector behind me. Thanks to the NICE project, I have received a lot of inspiration to integrate circular economy issues into my work: issues that I thought were only in the sphere of my personal consumption choices. So now I feel like I have a more comprehensive view.


The educational program in Italy and Bulgaria was stimulating for me not only with information and activities, but above all with people who brought a lot of stimuli and inspiration to my work. The topic of the circular economy got under my skin so much that I organized an inspirational-educational activity in my neighbourhood.

Maria M.

During our visit in Italy, we had the opportunity to exchange our best examples in circle economy and in Bulgaria, we had the opportunity to show our best practices in social inclusion. I'm glad to say that during our visits, we were able to understand that only together we make the change. We have learned different ways to use, reuse and recycle. We have learned to cherish the environment and to make our planet greener. During our meetings, we have learned to include everybody, no matter our differences. As a conclusion, I would like to say: being “nice” is the only way to be more inclusive and more environmental friendly.


It was an experience for me to meet new people and gain knowledge about CE, see practical examples in other countries and the opportunity to promote something among our volunteers from parish charities.


The NICE project has transformed the way we approach adult education by integrating the principles of inclusion and the circular economy into our programs. As an educator, I’ve witnessed first-hand how these tools empower learners to take practical steps towards sustainability while fostering social cohesion. The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, and it’s inspiring to see how these concepts are already being applied in local communities.



7 partners from 5 countries

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